Fin – Fur Con 2024

Our March Adventure will be Fin-Fur Con at scenic Camp Trevor Rees-Jones. This is an awesome merit badge opportunity including experts on topics ranging from Weather, Geology, Fly Fishing, Archery, Orienteering, Plant Science AND MORE! Positive feedback from last year’s event was very strong.

Date is the Weekend of Friday (3/22-24) We will be primitive camping with access to water.

Cost to register is approximately $35/scout & $25/adult which includes lunch Saturday and a patch, as well as the customary $10 for trailer maintenance and depreciation fund, and troop overhead like scout locker supplies, and propane.

An additional $10 cash food budget for dinner Friday and breakfast Saturday and Sunday will be brought to the campout planning meeting 3/18.

Approximate Schedule:

Friday, March 22

6:00 pm – meet at the church (arrive fed)
6:45 – depart for Athens, TX

Sunday, March 24

9:00 am – depart for home
10:45 – arrive back at CLC

Classes are filling up fast. REGISTER NOW!

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Also Registering as an Adult Leader Attendee
Area Code and Phone Number; NO DASHES
Name and Phone Number (ie – Steve Jenkins 2145551201)
List of Class Options can be found here:
Sometimes classes fill up during registration. We will place registrants in classes as available, starting with the first three preferences and working down.